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Dorset South and West
Methodist Circuit
broadmaynebroadmayne  normal worship layoutbroadmayne chapel cafe layout

You will be guaranteed a very warm welcome at our small village church. Our congregation comes from the immediate area and also from adjacent villages. As our Mission Statement says, we provide Christian worship on Sunday and fellowship during the week. After reading what follows please do come along, we would love to welcome you to our church.

There are regular Sunday services at 11am. Holy Communion is incorporated into the services on average one Sunday per month. Coffee, tea and biscuits are served before the service in the hall behind the church from 10.15 until about 10.45am.

There are some joint services with the Parish Church, St Martin's, which is part of the Watercombe Benefice comprising St Martin's and four other churches in adjacent villages.

Ecumenical Work
In September 2012 the two churches in Broadmayne, us and the Parish Church, St Martin's, agreed to formalise the cooperation that exists between us by signing a covenant which details what the churches currently do together and what they hope to do in the future. The covenant has been renewed every three years. From 2018 the Covenant includes all the other churches in the Watercombe Benefice and in October 2021 the Covenant was renewed for the fourth time.

Throughout the year there are various joint services. The special services are:

  • Traditional Methodist Covenant Service in January
  • Good Friday Stations of the Cross throughout the churches in the Watercombe Benefice
  • Easter Sunday Service
  • Harvest Festival
  • Remembrance Sunday
  • Christmas Celebrations in the Village Hall
  • 5th Sunday in the month Benefice Services

Together at Eleven, t@11, is the churches' way of trying to reach the wider community in Broadmayne and offers flexible styles of worship that non-church goers would be happy to join. This happens on the third Sunday of each month, except December.

There are many other joint ventures – shared Easter and Christmas cards, outreach at the local first and middle schools, and seasonal parties for the 'more senior' members of our Community.

By Still Waters
On the second Tuesday of each month at 9.30 am, for about half an hour, a small group of people meet for a meditative time together. For more details contact Brenda Stephenson 01305 459009.

Chapel Café
After refurbishment in 2018, Broadmayne Methodist Church opened Chapel Café as a village amenity every Friday from 10am to 12 noon.

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Registered Charity No. 1150182

Get In Touch

Circuit Superintendent
Revd John Yarrien

Circuit Administrators
Mrs. Maria Jacobson
07570 036288

Mrs. Jacqui Trent
07709 601567

Circuit Map

© 2024 – Dorset South & West Methodist Circuit